Inverter controller cooling

The customer
- Medium enterprise
- Sector: Electric equipment manufacturing
- Country: United Kingdom
The project
- Size: 65-70 man-hours
- Duration: 2-3 weeks
The problem
- Unknown cooling capacity and thermal resistance
- High controller temperature may lead to failure
- Natural convection deemed not enough
Proposed solution
- Model natural and forced convections together with radiation
- Evaluate different fins and heat sink geometries
The simulations
- Thermal simulation for natural convection (CFD analysis)
- Thermal simulation for different forced convection conditions (CFD analysis)
- Thermal simulation for different heat sink geometries (CFD analysis)
Project overall results
- Required cooling power obtained. Heat sink optimal geometry and fan requirements learned.
- Savings over £31,000 for the customer in prototyping and testing (estimate).
- Savings of more than 8 weeks in development time (estimate).