Packaging does not enjoy an independent existence and cannot be disassociated from the products it protects. Product sellers require efficient packaging and a safe, durable, hygienic and secure solution. The nature of plastics technology with its wide variety of raw materials and processing techniques permits the manufacture of packaging in an infinite variety of shapes, colours and technical properties. Practically anything can be packed in plastics - liquids, powders, solids and semi-solids.

Technical advances and design flair have reduced the quantity of plastics packaging needed to pack a given quantity of product over time without sacrificing the pack’s strength or durability.
Product manufacturers are always demanding light weight, strong, stiff and cheap packaging that also has pleasant looking and complex geometry for aesthetics and marketing purposes.
Simulation and mathematical modelling can aid the design of efficient packaging and help reduce material use by providing useful data on mechanical performance of the package before expensive moulds had to be produced

Package working conditions in terms of loads, transport conditions and thermal exposure can be replicated in a computer model providing valuable insight to designers and manufacturers.
For more information on other services for the plastic manufacturing sector, please go to the plastic manufacturing services tab.
Our services for this sector
Package design:
- Package mechanical performance under use and transport conditions
- Thermal and mechanical studies of different package materials
- Sealing and adhesives simulation
- Wall thickness prediction on blow moulded parts
- Thermo-stress viscoelastic deformations (creeping)
Package manufacture:
- Injection moulding mould filling simulation
- Full process simulation and optimisation: injection moulding, blow moulding and rotomoulding
- Injection moulding thermal optimisation
- Rotomoulding process cycle calculations